
the three tracks on this release are all a few years old at this point.

  1. r10 is an early Elektron Analog Rytm piece, related to some other tracks from around that same time period (the sounds were partly reused for at least one other i’ll leave as an exercise to the reader)
    the rhythm itself is utilizing the differing track lengths option of the Rytm’s onboard sequencer.
  2. xen is likely the oldest of these tracks, & i only know so because i have no clue how i’d made it when i did. i believe it was put together in Ableton but i’m not 100% on that, it’s possible it was Audiomulch tho that’s unlikely.
    i did two versions of this piece, the other i still have but is essentially just longer and more meandering, in not so interesting ways. the two wave files of these is all i have left from them.
    the long piercing outro on this always felt like i needed to trim it down of course, but any time i did it was subtracting from the overall experience of the track imo. so it remains in full length, here smashed straight into track 3
  3. vesic esen is a semi-generative piece made in Ableton using some Max4Live drums i tweaked up heavily, multiple instances of the Patter device which is sadly not being updated as far as i can tell.
    i’d had ideas to do an entire album w/ the generative (+feedback) ideas explored here, tho that’s not yet come to pass. it’s on my list & i’ve been feeling the urge to really explore this more, one of the reasons i’d put together this EP to sort of close the book on that sound in that song, but open things up for exploring similar ideas/sounds/thoughts/feelings that the freeform nature of that formtype represents & allows.
    i was never keen on the last ~minute or so of it, the slow dropping felt awkward here. i’ve got ideas on how to not fall into that again while still staying semi-generative, but will have to actually try those out soon enough.
