rxv notesrxv the three tracks on this release are all a few years old at this point. r10 is an early Elektron Analog Rytm piece, related to some other 2024/12/7
Nov 2024 studio thoughtsi’ve just come back from a vacation, was hunting for some inspiration/perspective & i think i found a fair good bit of 2024/11/2
opsionextwo takes of a modified stock patch from the opsix. no other sounds or effects used, opsix out, volume leveled. recorded about an hour ago 2024/10/3
JSYN Mixby fitz ambro$e ICASEA Select series JSYN Mix by fitz ambro$e looks to be disappeared from the usual places. placed here in case anyone 2023/12/18
NP rwwsNovation Peak raw waveforms reference audio playback of Novation Peak raw waveforms sec1 sawtooth, 1 oscillator, 8’ sawtooth, 2 oscillators, 2nd at 2023/10/30
MegaFM videothat idea became the track ombre on the MegaFM patch, in a more evolved/modified version, is included at the below Sysex Bank link 2023/7/15