Nov 2024 studio thoughts
Nov 2024 studio left
Nov 2024 studio right
i’ve just come back from a vacation, was hunting for some inspiration/perspective & i think i found a fair good bit of both.
for the musical side, i’m going to be rearranging the studio setup a bit with a focus on a smaller/more utilitarian collection of hardware in the service of a live setup style. i’ve never quite gelled with my most recent studio rearrangement, in fact just using sections of it for the most part, while focusing on some single-synth learning & exploration (opsix)
i’m going to try staying w/ just Hapax + opsix + Peak + Rytm, w/ at least 4 effects units + 1-2 submixers for routing. once i get those routed & controlled via Hapax (i’ve not setup control of any effects units w/ it yet so that may be an undertaking…) i’ll add other components as needed.
most obviously may be something focusing on bass register synthesis, but i’m hoping for max possible output w/ min sources. this has to do w/ the final output i’ve got in my head…
w/ that in mind, i’m not 100% certain i’m going to keep the Rytm in there. one of the routes i’m hoping to explore w/ this upcoming setup is more of a ‘beatless’ approach, still with some very complex rhythms at relatively high bpms. i’m not sure this will work. that’s the fun part!
the idea of sorta abandoning the percussion + bass + chord + melody approach has been a goal of mine for 20+ years that i don’t know i’ve ever even tried to explore properly…so we’ll see on this?
photos are of the current setup pre-changes. it’s already a bit in disarray, i’ve resisted getting it nailed down because i’ve still not been happy w/ it despite constant tweaks for ~2-3 years at this point. hopefully starting from scratch w/ more a intentional goal in mind will help on that front.